Finance and Offers
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Finance and Offers

Finance and Offers
Check out the great deals and finance options we have available
Finance and Offers
Success Stories


Mr. Yasir Elhaj - SUTRAC
SUTRAC General Manager
We at SUTRAC, contribute towards sustained social development by our engineering skills and reliable services that ensure customer satisfaction while continuing our pursuit of creative solutions and advanced technical support. LET’S DO THE WORK

Zahir Rahama
It was one of my dreams to join SUTRAC when I graduated from Faculty of Engineering, the rest of my dreams transpired after I became a SUTRACs staff, where dreams comes true. Moreover I was honored to gain a fruitful and rich experience (local and international), such opportunities are only available in such a prestigious company as DAL. Commitment, cooperation, and professionalism are the keys for success.

Sami Mubarak
Power Sales Manager
It’s very simple, in SUTRAC we know how to make the job a better job, by creating attractive working conditions with training plans and off-course promotion rules. SUTRAC follows certain strategy that focus on two value drivers: customer satisfaction and employee satisfaction, these values can only be achieved by looking forward, seeing the future and planning for the future.
Product Support
General Service
With over 100 service vehicles, these personnel and capabilities are spread over 17 regional outlets to cover your needs conveniently with fastest possible response time and efficiency.
Customer Value Agreement
Customer Service Agreements are the most effective way of running your equipment at peak performance and eliminating the risk, cost, disruption and loss of revenue caused by unscheduled downtime.
Cat Certified Rebuild
When most competitive models would require replacement, SUTRAC equipment can be rebuilt to deliver a cost-effective second life.